A welder helper is also known as welding assistant and they are responsible for performing various task enabling the welder to perform task efficiently. The welder helper act as welder’s right hand man providing support to welder maintaining the welding tools and equipment and ensuring an organized working environment. The helper follows behind the welder to clean and grind the weld area and they operate welding machines themselves. They should have knowledge operating beveling machines, and magnetic drills. When the welding job is done, the assistant cleans up the workspace. They need to check welding equipment periodically to spot any issues or upcoming maintenance need and schedule the technician who can make repairs of equipment’s to keep downtime to a minimum.
Welder Helper Resume Sample
Name: Robert Ellinger
Address: 41 Braxton Street, Chicago, IL
Phone: 213 – 234-7819
Email: [email protected]
Current Job: Welder Helper, HNI Corporation, Hicksville, NY
Energetic and skilled welder helper with a demonstrated ability to assist welders in fabrication of steel and metal structures. Adept at performing basic welding functions as well as operating power equipment’s, grinders and other related tools. Ready to work overtime and holidays. Possess commercial driver’s license with good driving records. Seeking a position in a reputed company as a welder helper where i can get an opportunity to exhibit my dedication and skills.
- Excellent attention to details ensuring a high level of quality in every task
- Experience in operating construction equipment’s for welder
- Great knowledge of metal and welding objects for projects
- Able to troubleshoot on various welding project
- Able to work in a fast-paced environment
- Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to pay attention to details
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to listen and connect with customers
Work Experience
Welder Helper, HNI Corporation, Hicksville, NY ( 2016 – present )
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Setting up workspace and making sure the welders have easy access to any tools
- Monitored products for defects and designed ways to resolve flaws
- Ensure compliances to specification
- Operated and assisted to strengthen metal and plastic materials
- Moved heavy tools, work pieces and supplies
Welder Helper, Mobile Mini, Inc., Hicksville, NY (2014 – 2016 )
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Performed tests and adjusted machines as per product specification
- Interpreted production schedule and determined specification aptly
- Participated in safety and other work related meetings
- Assisted workers in various welding and thermal activities
Welder Helper, Tradesmen International, Hicksville, NY (2012 – 2014 )
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Grind metal using powder and hand tools
- Maintain the flow of gases and light torch
- Adjust the gas mixture and pressure to obtain the perfect flame when making welds
- Repair and replace broken pipes
- Check for hairline cracks and any visible defects
Associate Degree in Welding Technology – Surry Community College, Dobson, NC
High School Diploma: Central High School
Karen Blake, Welder Helper, Mobile Mini, Inc., Hicksville, NY
Personal Information:
- Civil Status: Married
- Date of Birth: 11/3/1998
- Hobbies: Playing badminton and tennis